7 week princess |
Seriously...where does the time go? Already Ellie girl is 7 weeks old. I can't believe she will be 2 months this Saturday! Everyday we continue to learn something new about her; her different cries, the faces she makes when she poops, when she just wants to chill by herself, when she wants to play, etc. Though motherhood comes with its challenges, I wouldn't trade it for anything! Dave tells me nearly everyday how lucky we are to have such a good baby. ( I still can't believe we have a baby!!!!! )
Playdate with her girlfriend Bella |
She continues to breast feed, now about every 3-4 hours during the day and stretching to 5 hours at night. She's definitely a morning person and is all smiles and coos first thing in the morning. It's so sweet. We've also learned that this little girl loves to sleep on her belly and will sleep soundly for hours and hours if she does. So we let her when we are around to monitor her during the day. She's also learned how to stick her tongue out. It's so funny! I will try to get a picture of that one of these days.
Meeting Grandpa for the first time! |
Ellie met her Grandpa Vic for the first time last week when he came out for Thanksgiving. I think she's gonna get away with everything now that she's got him wrapped around her little finger. He's so in love with her. Thanksgiving was spent with our friends Lisa and Dave and their families. We cooked the turkey and a pie and brought it over to their house, but I gotta tell you, it was nice not having to cook everything else!
Getting ready for Thanksgiving |
I got the wishbone! |
Grandmas know how to put babies to sleep |
Alyssa and Ellie |
Cuddling with Grandpa |
Playtime |
Big hand-Little hand |
Well, now we are on to Christmas. During one of Ellie's naps yesterday we were able to get the tree up, decorated, and put up all the other Christmas decorations in the house. In a few weeks Ellie will take her first flight to go see her Great Grandparents and family in Kansas City. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. She loves loud background noise so I'm hoping the hum of the airplane will keep her asleep (or calm) during the flight. I think I might steal an idea from our friends that recently flew with 2 under 2 and buy Southwest drink coupons in advance for our seat neighbors just in case ;)
We continue to take millions of pictures so here are some more for you to enjoy! Have a great week.
Hanging out with my 2nd cousins (the three great-grankids of the family) |
She was loving this! |