Hi All! Can you believe I am 2 months old already?! I'm not so thrilled about all the pictures my parents take of me and of all my "milestones" but they feed me ( a lot ) and bathe me in the tub everynight so I guess I can't complain too much. If they give me what I want, I'll give them what they want.
So now that I'm 2 months, I'm what you call a "big girl". Last week I weighed 11 lbs 5 oz with my clothes on. No more newborn clothes for me. I've already passed those on to the babies. My mom says I'm so chunka-munka (whatever that means) that I'm almost out of 0-3 months clothes and into 3-6 months. That's cool.
And now that I'm 2 months old I've also found my voice. I just love to wake up in the mornings laughing and talking. My mom makes funny faces at me and keeps saying hi so I try to say hi back. Here's a video of my skills:
and here's another one of me being happy:
But because I've found my voice and get all excited, I sometimes take in too much air while eating. This leads to me getting totally gassy and then I scream because I just can't get it out. Luckily, my dad saved us all and bought me some Colic Calm to settle my tummy. It turns everything black (gross) but it helps. And now I can sleep for 5-6 hours without waking up from the gas during the night time.
For fun I like to lay around on my activity mat. It's kinda hard to swat the toys that hang down but I try my best and am starting to get them more and more. And then we do tummy time a couple times a day. My neck is strong already so I don't know why they make me do it, but whatever. I also enjoy sitting on the couch and watching the light show on what my dad calls the t.v. That's pretty cool!
Anyway, here are some pictures of me. The next time I check in I will have to tell you all about my first flight. I'm going to hang out with my great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in Kansas City. I can't wait! I hope everyone is staying dry and warm. If it gets chilly have your mom put a one-piece fleece outfit on, you know, the kind with the footies...they are the best!
Heading out and up to no good. |
Lunch date with my friend Jack. He's pretty awesome. |
I love snuggling into my blankets |