With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I figured it was appropriate to blog about all things I love. These days this category is all consumed with our sweet Elle-bug (as if that was a surprise).
This face
17 weeks |
It"s amazing how happy and smiley she is all the time. Last night we put her down for a nap. She was out, or so we thought. Because after maybe 5 seconds of laying still with her eyes closed she popped up and gave us this smile. We both just cracked up! So of course we started snapping all these pictures.
My husband
I love the way he loves our daughter. Dave can get her talking like crazy and it's so cute to see. I've been working long days lately so he's been the one to pick up and drop off Ellie at school, which I am so thankful for. I also love that he gets excited about buying things for Ellie...because she "NEEDS" a new spring dress and "NEEDS" more pajamas. : )
THANK GOODNESS we received so many bibs as gifts from people because between the drooling, spit-up, and solid foods we use so many! Just last weekend we started to introduce solids to her diet. She kept chewing on her toys, hands, the wrong end of her pacifier, and anything else she could get to her mouth so we thought we'd try it out. She gets so excited when that little bitty spoon comes close to her mouth. She's proven to be a great eater so far. Hopefully she'll keep up that trend!
Trying banana for the first time |
Loves her cereal! |
She's ready to eat!
Here's a cute clip:
Ok...I just can't help it. I know this seems ridiculous but I love little babies in tu-tus. Give a girl a break ok. I am pretty grounded on most things in life, but here I get to have fun. Dave and I have been holding on to this one for a long time. I guess we assumed one day we'd have a girl so we bought it and stored it away. Well, it's come on out! It's still big on Ellie but we thought it would be cute just to try it on her.
Happy Valentine's Day! Hope everyone has a great week!