Well, it's that time of the month again. I am now 7 months old and loving life! A lot has been going on lately so I have tons to share. Where should I start?
How about my stats:
17 lbs- 60 percentile
26.5" long- 75 percentile
Wearing 6-12 month clothing (although the 6 month stuff is getting too small)
Still sleeping through the night
Eating solids 2-3 times per day with 4-5 bottles per day
I'm sitting up on my own, pivoting on my belly, pushing myself backwards, but NO CRAWLING! Not yet anyway....
My hair is crazy...long in some areas, thinning in others
No teeth yet
I love to sing (scream) along with my parents
Had my first double ear infection
Developed reflux, so now I'm on Ranitidine twice a day.....that stuff tastes so bad!!! But I take it down like a big girl.
Reading my ABCs
We recently started swim lessons at the YMCA and it's so much fun!!! I just want to stay in the water forever! I get to splash around, practice my kicks, blow bubbles, and float on my back. I have so many new friends that are in my class too. Sometimes some of the boys cry and I just tell them that it's ok, being in the water is fun, and sometimes they listen and calm down.....BOYS!

I also went to my first baseball game at Fenway Park!!! It was so much fun. I got an up close encounter with Wally, the mascot. I wish I could have taken a picture with him. A nice lady gave me a First Fenway game button, sticker, and I guess they are sending me dirt from the field. Who knows why?! Momma hates dirt in the house and don't they know I have some in my back yard? I even tried sneaking in a bite of my Auntie KK's polish dog but she caught me before I could get to it. A couple of times when I was getting sleepy the crazy people behind me kept yelling which scared me. So I cried a bit but momma walked me around until I fell asleep, away from the crazies. All-in-all, it was a good time!
The Green Monsta'
Got my rally cap on! We ended up staying 12 out of 17 innings that day!
Coming up I have my baptism, a going away PARTAY, and I get to fly to Washington to visit all my family and friends. What's an arranged marriage? Because I'm meeting an older boy named Brayden and everytime I hear about him I hear those words. I just hope it involves Puffs and Elmo's song....my two favorite things!
P.S. It's gonna be a while before I can probably catch you up on everything so I just want to say happy momma's day and daddy's day to all you guys! Thank you for having babies so I can have lots of friends. :) Next time I write I'll probably be in New Jersey!!!!
Ellie Reese