I cannot believe that my sweet (sometimes mischievious and monstrous) little girl is now 1. Holy heck where did the time go?? How has it already been a year since
the day we welcomed her into our lives?
I can still picture all of her teeny 6 lb 13oz body. Her little bitty fingernails, the mounds of dark hair on her little head, and her swollen, squishy face. Man....Dave and I always say that we hit the jackpot with her. We just love her to pieces and are so blessed to be her mom and dad.
As active as Dave and I are, it was no surprise to many that Ellie would be traveling along with us all the time. From day one she was in the car, on the plane, or out and about with us running errands, shopping, visiting people, and taking it easy. She's already been on a plane several times. The first was a trip to Kansas City at 10 weeks old to visit her Great Grandparents and all of her Vogliardo family. The second time we flew cross-country from Boston to Seattle and then Portland to Boston. Coming up next is
her first international trip to Cabo San Lucas (change of plans) Hawaii!!!
She's been to many amazing places. From being born on Cape Cod (not too shabby) to Fenway Park, Hood River, New Hampshire, Pike's Place Market, Philadelphia, and now living in New Jersey.
So to celebrate the fabulous life of Miss Ellie Reese we had a small party at our house with friends and family. Anyone who has thrown a party for a 1 year old knows how exhausting it is! But, we made it through and everyone had a good time. Ellie of course was spoiled by many gifts but the biggest hit for her....balloons and ice cubes from the drink tub! She couldn't get enough. So we'll know for next year :)
She didn't seem too excited about the cake at her Cake Smash the day before so we opted to not bake another cake for her and just go with cupcakes. But boy, did she tear up that chocolate cupcake or what?!
To commemorate her first year, we will be lighting a wishing lantern and releasing it with her. I love these and will look forward to this tradition every year.
Here are some other pictures from our weekend. Happy Birthday Ellie Reese!!! We love you sweet girl!!!!
Playing with the boys |
Throwing the football |
Friends |
Lots of balloons!! |
Birthday kiss |
Ha ha!! Look at that face. She looks terrified of the boys!! |
Owen |
Present time |
Matt's sweet fruit and veggie skills...thanks buddy!!!! |
Finally wearing her converse :).....or eating the laces anyway |
Happy to be ONE |