Tuesday, August 30, 2011

33 Weeks - Irene comes to visit

33 weeks pregnant

This is getting posted a bit late, but there's been lots of craziness going on around here.  For starters, we had our first major hurricaine storm of the season hit Cape Cod.  Although Irene reduced herself from a Cat 1 Hurricaine to a Tropical Storm by the time she made it to us, her winds did enough damage to last us for a while.  Luckily, we only lost our power for the good majority of one day and escaped without property damage.  Others weren't so lucky, unfortunately.  Folks out here are still without power...no bueno!

This boat obviously lost it's mooring

Waves crashing right up to homes

The waves were taking over the sandy beach.
David's Aunt Betsy came out for a visit and experienced all kinds of weather while here.  They took a trip to Nantucket last Friday on a hot and humid day, had a cloudy and rainy Saturday, was able to witness the storm for her birthday on Sunday, then had perfect summer weather Monday and Tuesday. It was so great to have her here.  She bought us some adorable baby gifts, made us a baby quilt, knitted a cute little beanie and taught me how to do a little knitting myself.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish this project we started!  Ellie is going to love everything from Grandma Betsy...Thank You!!!

David and Betsy at Plymouth Rock

Birthday dessert after a lot of amazing sushi!

So as of today (since this is being posted closer to 34 weeks) I have 44 days left!  I am so ready to meet this little girl.  We seriously cannot wait!  This is what's going on with Ellie this week:

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (babycenter.com)

We've had a great month of visitors and enjoying the last real month of summer, but we are also looking forward to spending some "us" time before the baby comes.  It's surreal to think that we only have 6 more weeks of it being just the two of us before we become a family of three. Niko on the other hand is already claiming Ellie's room as his.  He has never before been interested in that room.  But now that we are spending more time in there and he's picking up on some changes around the house and with me, I think he's wanting to make sure he's a part of it all too.  Jen-  I'm thinking I need to pick up that book you suggested to me!  =)   

*And Congrats to our friends Danny and Jade Chase on the birth of their beautiful baby girl:  Colbie Chase!  We  love you guys!!!!!!

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