Thursday, October 6, 2011

39 Weeks- It's Go Time!

Getting ready for Halloween  : )    39 Weeks!!!
We thought we'd have a little fun with this belly while we still have it around so Dave and I decided to paint my belly for Halloween.  These are the only bare belly shots we have, and I'm alright with that!  And since the Ellie belly is in costume, we thought we'd put Niko in his too!

Our little pirate

He doesn't look too amused with the cap on his head  :)

This will be the last blog before our little Ellie Reese arrives! It's so exciting but is a little scary at the same time.

The last few days have been kinda crazy. I had a routine appt on Tuesday that revealed my blood pressure was a bit elevated. So they asked me to return today. The good news was that I was already 3 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced. I guess all my activity at work and home were helping to move things along! Anyway, I went in today and my bp was still borderline high and was 4 cm dilated so they decided to send me over to Maternity for monitoring. All the labs and u/s were fine, just that darn bp! Our MD gave us the option of staying and being induced (holy moly!). But luckily she allowed us to come home on strict bed rest orders for Friday and return Saturday morning. Since Ellie is very healthy and there were no other concerns except for my bp she let us make the decision. So Saturday will be the big day! I can't believe the time has finally come!

So now we are just squaring our things away for the hospital and enjoying our last couple evenings together as a couple. In addition to all the baby madness, we had a house showing this afternoon and have another one tomorrow afternoon. As if we really needed that last minute stress! Now I'm wishing I scheduled Merry Maids- ha ha! Oh well.

Well, I can't wait to post again with pictures of the sweet baby girl!