Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm 8 months old! XOXO, Ellie

I just had a few minutes so I thought I'd share my updates with you all from momma's phone. ALL our stuff is in boxes right now so it's kinda weird. Anyway, I think 8 must be MY number. Here's why: I was born on 10/8/11, I was born at 8:12am, Today is June 8 and I am 8 months old, My weight today was 18 lb 8 oz, Lot of 8's right? Gotta tell mom to play 8 the next time she's at the roulette table! So I still do not have teeth. Although those suckers must be close because my mouth irritates me sometimes. And my mom always says I "drool like a fool". I'm almost able to crawl. My dad puts me through crawl drills every night so I'm getting better and better. Sir yes sir! I wear size 9-12 month clothes and have added a few "boy"'clothes to my wardrobe thanks to mi padre. :) Sure, my family is big into the sailor/anchor themes because of dad's job, but for reals.....they are boy clothes! Anyway, that's about it for now. I have a big weekend coming up so I better get my beauty rest. Love to all my peeps!


  1. "Drool like a fool... Love to all my peeps..." Ellie, I never knew you were such a gangsta! LOL

  2. Ha ha! Didn't you know? Her mom is from Lacey so there's a little bit of gangsta in her ! :)

  3. Haha, this is great - love this post! You and Ellie crack me up :)
