Monday, April 30, 2012

Adventure 5K


So, while I was pregnant I promised Dave I'd do a 5K with him after Ellie was born. I love getting a good work out in but running isn't exactly my favorite! I'd much rather pull my boxing gloves on or work up a sweat in a conditioning class. Anyway, it was a promise and a great way to get back in shape. So, I signed up with some friends, along with Dave, to participate in the NH CrossFit sponsored Adventure 5K. It was held at McIntyre Ski area. Our trusty captain Lisa made us great t-shirts with our Mud Trackers team logo that her niece's friend came up with. She also help organized getting a bus to drive us up and back, since it was about a 2 hour drive. Perfect! 

The bus was loaded with food and drinks and so comfortable. Ellie had a great time bouncing from person to person and slept half the trip each way. Once there, we signed in and had a little bit of time to kill back on the bus.

Once it was time, we filed up to the starting line to get ready for our 1100 start. With a rowdy group of 15, we definitely made our presence known! Lots of hooting and hollering (with a few dance moves) going on to get everyone all fired up! So our race starts and it's all up hill, literally. We were at a ski resort but, seriously, these hills sucked! Not only that, but we started immediately in mud. Up hill, down hill, up again, down again, up once more, over walls, under tunnels, monkey bars, log carrying, black-out tunnels, mud crawls, tires, pulling yourself up a cannon soaking hill with a rope, hay get the idea! We finished as a group with a belly-flop, head first dive down a wet and muddy tarp to the finish line. It was so much fun!  Not nearly as muddy as I thought it was going to be...but that was ok.  It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad my first race was this one...with so many great friends!

Up next....a "regular" 5K with Ellie Reese!

1 comment:

  1. That looks super fun, good for you! I've done one of those "mud run" type of 5Ks before and it was so hard but super fun. I've still never accomplished a regular 5K (I'm not a natural runner at all) but it's on my bucket list!
