Sunday, October 2, 2011

38 Weeks- Happy Fall!

38 weeks

Baby stats at 38 weeks:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb ( my 37 week appt the ultrasound estimated Ellie to be nearly 7 lbs already.  So that would put her up at 7.5 lbs by now.  I'm still hoping that was a over-estimate.  =) But overall, I've been feeling good.  Surprisingly, I'm still sleeping well (on the couch) and haven't been too uncomfortable.  I'm just completely ready to have this baby!!!  Dave said that she was coming this week.  He usually has a good sense about things too, so we'll see what happens!

Tonight we were able to visit with our friends the Ryans.  They had their baby girl Bella last week.  Let me tell you, she is one cute, little baby!!!!  We couldn't stop staring at her.  She was born at 4 lbs 15 oz a couple weeks early.  As of today she's just over 5 lbs. 

Mom Aline and her sweet baby Bella, 9 days old

I think Dave is officially in love with this little could you not be??

Here she is sleeping in her little cradle.  Isn't she just so precious?!

We also spent the weekend doing one of my favorite fall activities:  Apple Picking.   This year we ventured to Stow, MA to the Honey Pot Hill Orchards.  This place was huge!  We were able to pick Macoun, Cortland, Empire, McIntosh, Red and Golden Delicious apples, and also picked a few Bosc pears.  This orchard also had a bakery, store, farm animals, hayrides, and a hedge maze.  It was a great place for families and I enjoyed watching all the little kids run around with their apple cider donuts.  Yum!

Multi-tasking at its finest.

'Three little pigs' at the Apple Orchard.  How cute are these little fellas?  And I love the stick, hay, and brick houses.
Our loot

We picked so many apples that I spent the majority of the day in the kitchen making apple crisp, apple sauce, and ended up canning a dozen jars of apple sauce.   I even made some small jars of pureed apples for Ellie to enjoy one day.  It was a lot of work but I loved the way it made the whole house smell so good.  Next up, apple butter, cinnamon apple slices, and apple cake! 
Well, that's it for this week.  Maybe the next blog will have some exciting updates and pictures of our little girl!!  Hope everyone is enjoying the fall so far.  Have a great week!!!


  1. Oh are so cute!!! I am so happy and anxious for you...these last couple weeks seem to take the longest, but there is such an amazing reward at the end!! Can't wait to hear of her arrival! Love you:).

  2. Thanks Marisa! I know, these last couple weeks seems to be dragging by so slowly! I just want her to be here already. I love, love, love all the pictures and updates on Don. He's such a doll!

  3. Apple picking looks so fun! Keep hanging in there, the suspense of meeting Baby Girl must be killing you!

  4. You are so close to meeting her! I can't wait to see her :) Good luck and can't wait to hear all about her birth!
